Hi friends!
I hope you have been fun making your blocks on our Quilt Adventure!
Block 4
Are you ready for Block 4?
Block 4, the Great divide block, is over on Tammy’s site today- so click here to go to her blog and get her tips and the link to download the block.
OH- and did I mention we have a great giveaway over on Tammy’s post ????

Here are my blocks. Love the purples and greens!

Quilt Con
Today, while you are checking the block, I am on a plane to Quilt Con!
I am super excited to go hang out with my daughter, AND see the quilts, AND take a class, AND see some quilty friends, AND…. all the other fun stuff!
So if you email me over the next few days, it may take a while for me to get back to you. I am going to try to really enjoy the show and take a break. Wish me luck! I am going to be “off the grid”.
Well, not totally off the grid! I do hope to post some pictures on Instagram but that’s it.
If any of you will be there, be sure to say HI! if you see me.
Block 5
If you want to plan ahead and know what fabrics you will need for the next block, here is the stack: dark blue, medium blue, red and your background. I bet you can guess what block is #5 that we called Traveler !!

happy quilting!