This past weekend, I was at the quilt show in Castle Rock, Co in the Innova booth. We had so much fun. Well, I must admit, the standing on a concrete floor part was not so much fun, but the visiting with quilters part was great!

My quilt Urban Twist, done in Riley Blake’s Parisian line was a big hit. Isn’t it great?
And the book was very well received- I sold out of the copies I had on hand! I was so pleased with the response we had.
This week I am in CT visiting with family and friends. It is so great to see everyone.
Today we picked up our oldest son and his wife in Mass. They are in from Scotland and spent last week with her family and their friends. They will spend this week with us before flying back.
After we picked them up and had Friendly’s ice cream for our pre-lunch snack (I miss this ice cream!), we drove down state, got burritos, sat on the town green to eat and then wandered into a few local shops. So. Much. Fun.
And I saw lots of hydrangeas. I love hydrangeas. Aren’t they pretty?
We have a busy week of family activities planned. Son #2 and his lovely girlfriend arrive on Wed. and that will make the family complete! (Our lovely daughter and her husband live here.) But, for those of you in the CT area, I will be at the Yankee Quilter this Sat, July 18th at 2pm for a book signing. Click on their name to go to their website for more information. I hope to see you there!
And if you aren’t close by this Sat, look here to see where Elizabeth or I will be- we have a few more book signings coming up and we would love to visit with you. Or, if you aren’t near any of them, you can still order the book from us (shipping in August) or from Amazon (shipping now!).
Have a great week!
Happy quilting,