Yesterday I had paperwork to do.
And 2 quilts to bind.
Now normally quilting takes precedence over paperwork, at least in hierarchy of which is more fun to do, but not when it is attaching the binding.
We all have parts of the quilting process that we like more than others. Sewing binding to the quilt by machine is, by far, my least favorite part. So when there are tips on sewing binding to the quilt by machine on both sides, a part of me thinks, WHY?
Why do this bad part twice????
I know why; it is faster.
Is faster always better?
Anyway, once I had done some of the paperwork, it was time to put the binding on the 2 quilts.
To make the process more enjoyable, I put on a movie. Julie and Julia. Have you seen it? I love this one. And Julie is writing a blog. Fun.
As I was putting the binding on, I decided to evaluate why this process is not fun.
1. Big quilt, small space. That part is a no brainer, but really, unlike quilting, I am not trying to smush a quilt thru the small opening in the sewing machine. But I am trying to wrangle a large quilt that keeps falling off my table, gets stuck underneath my Sew Steady table so when I go to advance the quilt, I can’t and end up with a wonky seam…
2. Long stretches of just trying to sew straight. I can’t. Truly. It wobbles.
3. Hmmm… is there a 3?
Then I debated, how can I make the process easier?
1. I could start by moving the ironing board to the left side of my sewing table to help hold the weight of the quilt while attaching the binding. (OK- why have I not been doing this? Laziness- I just don’t want to move things around. Pretty silly.)
2. I could remove the Sew steady table while putting on binding. I LOVE my clear table; I am a much better piecer with the table. But if I remove it, then the quilt can’t get stuck under or around it. (I know a different table where the sewing machine sits down in the table would help, but that is not in the budget right now.)
3. Slow down. I cannot sew a straight seam, and the faster I go, the worse it gets. Then I have to rip out sections and resew. I have a guide to follow but… I still wobble. So if I go slower, then I wobble less. But then, the part of the process I dislike takes longer! Drat and double drat!
OK, fine. I will slow down.
So I have a plan. I should have a new quilt to bind in a few of weeks so I will see if my plan works.
In the meantime, I have 2 quilts that I need to hand sew the binding to the back.
And honestly, I like this part. It may not be my favorite part of the process, but it is close. The quilt is almost done, I am able to do a little handwork that is easier than hand quilting on my joints and I get to sit, relax, maybe watch a movie, maybe just reflect and the day, the week, what project is coming up next. A good time to let my mind wander and think up the next quilt!
happy quilting,