How was your week? Mine has been busy- especially trying to get back into some sort of routine.
It is so easy to get distracted when working from home (actually distractions abound no matter where you work!) but at home the distractions are just different.
For me, it is-
the cat (she can get demanding- not so easy to ignore!),
the laundry,
the messy kitchen (fairly easy to ignore!),
the idea: oh it so nice outside, I should take a walk….
What distracts you?

Part of my week has been a little bit of sewing on a new project. When I sew, sometimes I like the quiet. No t.v., no music, just me and my sewing.
Other times, a little background noise helps.
What about you? Do you listen to music, watch t.v. or….????
This week, I have had so much on my mind, I needed noise to keep the chatter in my mind quiet.
So I watched some Craftsy classes while I sewed. Of course, the danger with that is that then you see (or hear) something very interesting and you have to stop sewing to watch.
Hmmm… so does it count a a distraction or as background helping to keep me from being distracted?
Either way, here is a code so you can sign up for some great classes at Craftsy and save $$. And be distracted with great information!
Who doesn’t like to save money? This is their last big sale of the summer and you can save up to 50% on all quilting classes.
Click here to go to Craftsy and save.
Have a great weekend!
happy quilting,
p.s next week we are going to do the August giveaway on the blog so be sure to pop back and check it out!