Hi friends!
Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you had a lovely holiday season. I took some of December off from blogging and posting to go back east and see family and friends.
And hubby and I have been doing some home renovation projects. Do you know the children’s book, If you Give a Mouse a Cookie? It starts with, If you give a mouse a cookie, he is going to want a glass of milk. Then it spirals from there. Kind of like our home reno project.
So what was going to be hubby and I replacing our VERY old living room/dining room carpet and laying down hardwood floor (and I mean us doing the job of ripping up carpet and installing the floor!) somehow became getting a new back door in the dining area that does not leak, scraping and painting the dining area ceiling, painting the kitchen cabinets… now we have to paint the kitchen and the dining area…OMG!

Talk about a spiral! I will be very happy when it is all done. Parts of my kitchen are still in the basement since before Thanksgiving and we have no table to eat at. I will move some more things back into the kitchen now that the cabinet paint is dry and the doors are back on. What a difference from the old oak look!
Soon it will all be done and it will look beautiful!

But enough about me.
What are your sewing/quilting plans for 2017? How can I help?
Here are a couple of quilt alongs/challenges to get the new year started.
Pat Sloan has a new challenge up this year called the 182 Day Solstice Challenge. If you haven’t started, here is the link so you can get started. It looks like fun!
Amy Gibson of Stichory Dickory Dock has a new book out called The Quilt Block Cookbook and she is doing a Quilt Along- 50 blocks in 50 weeks. Here is a link to the starting post and a link to the first block. (Note: you will need her book but it looks like a really great book!)
One of my plans for 2017 is to the Maker’s Tote by Anna Graham. Do you know that pattern? I bought the pattern a while back but have not attempted the bag yet.

But, while on my holiday trip, I did a little retail therapy. Here are my fabrics for my bag.

The bright yellow green is a slightly heavier canvas weight fabric from Japan that I will use on the outside of the bag. I am hoping that now that I told you that I plan to make this bag, I will. I will keep you posted on my progress!
Later this week I will host a quick magazine giveaway. But for now, I have a quilt that I need to finish up today. Here is a sneak peek of some of the fabrics I am using. I just love these Pixie Dots from Ink and Arrow, don’t you?

happy quilting,
If you have not popped over to the McCall’s Quilting blog and entered to win a copy of my Kozy Q Scarf and some great fabrics, click here. Ends January 8th.