Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is a day where we in the US celebrate family, friends and all the things we are thankful for- what are thankful for?
I am thankful for the quilting community and especially for you, my quilty friends, who stop by here and visit with me.
I am thankful for my family. While I am not getting to spend the holiday with any of them this year I am thankful to be part of their lives and that they are part of mine.
I am thankful for my sweet kitty Lily. Well, except when she howls at me in her cranky old lady cat voice!
So many things to be thankful for… the list goes on!
Enjoy your holiday and come back soon.
happy quilting,
If you have time this weekend, Craftsy (like everyone else) is having it’s annual Black Friday Sale! I know- but if there is a class you having been thinking about taking at Craftsy, now is the time to sign up. Use my affiliate link to save on any class type, not just quilting classes! I have taken some classes on knitting, photography, spinning (which I could do better if I actually got a drop spindle!), drawing and I even have watched a cooking one. Not that I cook. But I do like to eat!