Vacation. A time of rest and relaxation.
I was away from Colorado for 23 days- and while it was great, it was not relaxing! But then, if you know me, I would not have it any other way!
I went back to CT and saw family and friends and then headed off to London and Scotland.
We really only had a day in London- so much to see and not nearly enough time to do it justice.
But the real point of the trip was going to Scotland to see my son and daughter in law.
What a great trip we had- we walked all over Edinburgh for 2 ½ days and then drove up into the Highlands. Well, Sean drove. They drive on the wrong side of the road over there and while Sean does not have a car, at least he is used to looking in the correct direction for oncoming traffic!
We drove up to Inverness, then down along Loch Ness- and no, I did NOT see Nessie!- and ended up in Fort William.
So many things to see, so much history and we were full by the time we left. Full of pride to see our son managing this new chapter in his life with grace and dignity, full of happiness to see how lovely he and his bride are together and full of stories and and pictures to share.
I did manage to get a wee bit of shopping in- I went to Liberty of London while I was there.
I did manage to get a cute little pack of hexagons in lovely Liberty fabrics.
In Edinburgh, I got this remnant of a fun London map fabric.
And then got some lovely fabric at the shop Mandors. The line is called Notting Hill by Fabric Freedom in London. It seemed fitting- I bought the fabric in Scotland and the fabric was from London- the two places I visited! I got enough to share with my quilting group- a FQ for all!
I will share some more pictures of other finds from Nantucket and CT next time. But for now, it is time to get back in the saddle. I have unpacking to do!
Happy quilting,