Hi friends!
Today I want to tell you about a book I had the pleasure of reviewing. It is called The Quilting Arts Idea Book edited by Vivika Hansen Denegre published by The Quilting Company.
I am so intrigued by art quilts. A secret: I think, deep down, I would love to be an art quilter but I am totally intimidated by the idea!
So I love books about art quilts and techniques on how to make your own fabric and how to make projects from found objects… so many interesting ideas. And this book is just so much eye candy for those of use, while we may not BE an art quilter, love the quilts and projects! And if you are an art quilter, who doesn’t want to learn a new technique?
First technique I want to try is by Margarita Korioth. I had a chance to meet Margarita at the AQS quilt show in Paducah back in September. She is a lovely person and we had so much fun chatting!
Her technique is coloring cloth with food coloring and glue gel resist.
Doesn’t it look like fun????
Next on my list to try, Libby Williamson used tea bags as her canvas on which to create her art pieces.

I drink tea almost every day… hmmm. I guess I better stop throwing out those used tea bags!
Lynn Krawczyk has a couple of different projects- this one where she shows how to make fabric using different surface design techniques. She refers to one fabric as low intensity.

The other she refers to as high intensity.

I love sketchbooks, and notebooks to write your thoughts in and really, just books! Books to write or draw in, books to read, books to use as inspiration when the well has run dry… Lynn also shows how to make great sketchbooks.
And Laura Wasilowksi showed projects where she made the design with hand stitched thread.
She didn’t just talk about the process, she also gave images of some of the stitches she used which is so helpful.

There are so many other amazing contributors in this book like Sue Bleiweiss, Jane Davila, Melanie Testa and many more!
So if you are looking for a book to show you some new techniques to add to your art quilt arsenal, or if you just want to be inspired, this is a good book for that!
Tell Santa!
happy quilting,