Day 7- hope you have been enjoying reading about the quilts, our friends and the quilts in our new book. And visiting with some amazing quilters and bloggers.
Today you are heading over to visit with Susan Emory. Susan designs quilt patterns for Swirly Girls, rulers for Creative grids and fabrics for Michael Miller. She is one busy lady! We were so happy when she agreed to be part of our book’s tour. I know you will enjoy visiting with her and checking out her website.

Before you go visit with Susan, can I introduce you to 2 more wonderful quilters? Sandra Carminati is my friend Charmion’s sister. (You met Charmion on Day 3.)
I met Sandra when Charmion and I went on a quilt shop adventure. We had so much fun, she was great to hang out with and even took us to a quilt store that was in a grocery store. Well, the second floor of the grocery store. She was so nice to agree to be part of the book.
Her quilt is Picturesque Holiday a version of our quilt Picturesque. I love the red and green! Her quilt was quilted by Mary Ellen Ruhling.

Our quilt Picturesque was quilted by Sandi Verbridge and our big version with borders, Gardenesque was quilted by Connie White. Hard to believe these beautiful quilts started with a single charm pack!

Wendy Arend is a friend of mine from Colorado. I met her at a quilt store. (Where else do you make new friends?)
She has been a great support, has tested quilts for us and made her version of another charm pack quilt, Line Dance. So fun to see how fabric can make the quilt look totally different! Love it!
So, now go on over and visit with Susan and enjoy her site. While you are there, don’t forget to enter at her post to win a copy of our book!
See you back here tomorrow!
Happy quilting,
p.s. Only 2 days left! Yikes! On our day we will have a free tutorial for you- a small project to use up a bit of your stash. Well, a small bit but it is cute!