Welcome to Day 8! Today is a special day. Not only do we have a great quilter on the tour today, but today I get to tell you about the first quilt we designed for the book.
So, in a little while, you are going over to visit with Pat Sloan! I am sure you know her- she is a great quilter, author, blogger, radio show host, fabric designer… she does it all! And we are so honored that she agreed to be part of our book’s blog hop.
Now before you hop over to Pat’s site, I want to tell you about our last quilter who helped us with our book. My cousin Irene. A few years ago, Irene called me because she wanted to make a quilt for her daughter’s college dorm bed but she did not quilt! So we got together, talked shop and I designed a quilt for her to make for her daughter. We shopped and I taught her what she needed to know. She made her first quilt! She was hooked- which means, I did good!

Then we made a quilt for her son, she put together a quilt for her older daughter from signature blocks from her wedding… and then her husband wanted a quilt. So, I designed a quilt for Wayne. We shopped, and ended up using FQs. Then I moved away to Colorado and Wayne was diagnosed with cancer. It took a while, but Irene finished her quilt for Wayne and he was thrilled. He used to wrap himself up in it to stay warm while he was going thru treatments.
Unfortunately Wayne lost his battle with cancer, but he died wrapped in his wife’s quilt. Wrapped in her love.

In our book is our version of Wayne’s quilt, done in masculine colors in his honor. It was quilted by Victoria Shelton of Colorado. Victoria owns a lovely quilt shop called The Thread Loft.
And our version with borders, called Big Wayne, quilted by Allison Brown of Allison Sews.
Didn’t they both do a great job quilting?
Pop on over to Pat’s blog now and don’t forget to enter on her post for a chance to win a copy of our book.

Tomorrow is the last day of the tour and you will visit with us. And we have a cute tutorial for you!
happy quilting,
Next week on the blog I will be participating in 2 more blog hops- one for the Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks vol 11 on Monday May 4th and on Friday May 8th with the Quilter’s Newsletter’s Best Kids Quilts magazine blog hop. I have a project in both magazines. More stuff for you to win! I guess our month of celebrations is just too big to stay in April- we are spilling out into May!!
These are just the cutest quilts. Both my mother-in-law and I will love having this book available (should we win)
I have so many strips and squares – like 4 bags full, not talking small bags either.
I lost the quilt on the cover of the book. I believe it is calling me to make it.
Should have checked my typing.
I love the quilt on the books cover it is beautiful. And I believe it is calling me to make it. Downsizing my stash would be great.