Phew! I am just sneaking this in under the wire this month. It has been such a busy month- what with 2 blog hops and the holidays and stuff… wow.
For December, the QM bitty block is the pinwheel. Cute little 3″ pinwheels. Since I am in CT visiting family for the holidays, I was able to do some sewing with my daughter Alyssa.
We choose some great fabrics from her scrap bin and cut our squares.

You are supposed to cut your square 2 ⅜” but we cut them a little oversized at 2 ½”. Then we drew our lines, sewed, cut them apart and pressed. Then we had to trim.

We trimmed them using my new favorite HST trimming tool by BlocLoc. We even shot a couple of short videos of Alyssa trimming a square. No words, just a demo.
(If the videos don’t show up below, just refresh your page. Sometimes they are shy!)
Easy peasy!
Once we had our 2″ HST, we layed out our pinwheels and sewed them together. Done! Aren’t they sweet? I think they might end up in a suitcase going back to Colorado, but shhh…. don’t tell Alyssa!

I hope you all are having a lovely holiday season. Happy almost New Year!
If you want the directions for the pinwheels, click here to go to Quiltmaker’s Bitty block page.
happy quilting,