Some days it is tough to find the good. This past week it has been especially hard. The senseless violence in Orlando, all the bad news we see… it can really get one down.
But we can fight back. We can find the good.
I am going to choose to look for the good in my day, in my week, in my life. There may not be a lot of good in a particular situation, but there is good out there.

In my life, I have wonderful family and friends. And, I have flowers! Flowers sent to me by great friends; flowers that made me smile.
In my business life, I have wonderful quilting friends, colleagues, and quilters who read my blog, comment and let me know they appreciate that I am trying to do good in my small area of the quilt world.
In Orlando, there is good in how the community is responding and is supporting one another.
And quilters are already responding in the way they know best- by making quilts. Showing their love and support thru their quilts.
In case you did not see it, the Orlando Modern Quilt guild is looking for quilts for families of the lost and the injured. Click here to see their post about what they are doing.

I am already pulling fabric to make a quilt. I don’t have time; I have designs due and quilts to make that have deadlines but this is something tangible I can do to show support. I can be part of the good, part of the caring and part of the positive message. Not easy to do; negative is all around us. But so is the good.
Find the good.