Hello friends! Can you believe it is May?
It’s May, it’s May, the lovely month of May…. it’s so funny. Last weekend we had 10″ of snow on the deck and today it is sunny and going to get to 80 degrees! I am not complaining though. We needed the moisture and I think this weekend will be lovely.
A lot is going on this week here at SLAD. Where to start?
Craftsy: A few months ago, Craftsy asked me to design some patterns using one of their new fabric lines. The line is called Rosemoor and I designed 2 patterns: Evening Garden and Flower Basket.

They also asked me to film a short class for one of the quilts. More just tips and tricks, not a full blown class with every step by step. They called it a “Quilt Along” and if you buy the kit, you get access to the class. How cool is that? It just became available.

The fabrics are really lovely and have a nice hand.
International Association of Quilters: a few months ago, Becky of IAQ asked me to be one of her guest designers for her on line quilt group. Her site is pretty cool. There are some things you can access without registering, but if you pay her yearly fee, you get access to a lot more!
Click on my affiliate link to see more.
So, this is the quilt I designed for the month of May. I called it Five Carat Gem and if you join, you can get the pattern!

Hmmm… what else?
OH! QNN tv!
A few months ago, I taped an episode for QNN tv for part of their Quilt Remix series. We had to take a quilt that was a little more traditional in design and remix it to give it a more modern look. It was a fun challenge. The host for the whole series is Kelly Bowser.

Kelly is a hoot and we had so much fun on taping day as my good friend Jenny Kae Parks was also taping her episode that day. Find Kelly at her website here. And Jenny Kae at her website here.
I think the real magic is seeing the inspiration quilt and then seeing ours. But… here are our remix quilts!
I love how different they are! Kelly used Liberty of London fabrics and I used Pixie Dots from Ink & Arrow. And I used my Braid Template- of course! I hope to have the quilt out as a pattern soon.
You can just click here to go to QNN tv to watch the episodes and see the original quilt. My episodes launch this month. Part 1 is up and available to see! They are free; you just need to create an account.
Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks
Quiltmaker is having a blog hop this week for the new issue of Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks. And yes, I have a block in the issue! I am not part of the blog hop but that does not mean I can’t post about it!
My block is called Spin Dance and it is on page 38 of the magazine. I used some leftover Pixie Dots from my QNN remix quilt. Love it!

So click here if you want to check out the whole blog hop. BUT, I mentioned a giveaway did I not?
Leave a comment below if you want a chance to win a magazine! I have 2 copies to give away.

Leave a comment before Tuesday night May 9th at 9pm (my time!) and you will be entered. Leave a second comment if you subscribe to my email newsletter (not if you subscribe to the blog; just my newsletter) and you will get a second chance.
Winners must have a continental US mailing address. Sorry, other postage is just too steep!
Thanks for visiting with me! Have a great weekend and, as always….
happy quilting!
Would love to win the magazine! Thank you!
I would enjoy the 100 blocks magazine. Always looking for new pattern blocks!
I guess I should have a second comment for receiving your newsletter…I don’t carefully read stuff sometime…thanks again!
Thanks for offering this giveaway! I do receive your newsletter already…
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Kelly’s quilt caught my eye that has inspired me to make a similar one.
I also get your entertaining email newsletter. Thanks.
Congratulations on achieving cover exposure! I know you’ve been working very hard and deserve the accolades. You are an inspiration.
Really interested in quilt made from Liberty of London fabrics.
What a great block for 100 blocks!
Very fun. Nice to have good scraps – and to be featured in the magazine! Congrats.
Thanks for the chance.
I really like your Spin Dance block. Very clever block! Congrats on being chosen for the magazine & thanks for offering a giveaway.
Great block. I follow via bloglovin. Thanks.
Love your block and would love to have this magazine!
I receive your newsletter
Great block! I’d love to win!
So happy for you in making the 100 blocks book. Congratulations
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Your block is great and congrats on making the 100 Blocks book.
Love the 100 Block magazines and have quite a few of them. Nice to sit back and revisit them for inspiration.
Congratulations on being on the cover! I’d like to see some patterns for mini quilts with embroidery 🙂
Your block is so pretty. It would make a delightful summer quilt.
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You’re amazing!!!!
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Wow, you have been busy! Cute block, congratulations on getting published! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
I already subscribe to your newsletter.
Congrats on your very cute block. It’s sure one I would love to make.
Congrats on the 100 Block! I’m anxious to see all your new patterns – and also watch your Remix episodes.
I get your newsletter! Thanks for the 2nd chance to win.
Oops – my original post had an incorrect email address, This reply has the right one.
WOW! You sure are busy! I love your remix quilt–looks like fun to do.
Keep on quilting!
I get your newsletter.
very cool. I love pinwheel style blocks, though I haven’t gotten to making them. They just look cool, like fans in summer heat.
Boy you sure have a busy schedule – remember – just breathe – would love the magazine. Thanks.
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Your block is great! I’d love a copy of 100 Blocks.
I subscribe to your newsletter by email.
What a wonderful block! Thanks for the great giveaway.
I love trying the new blocks just for fun and sometimes they turn up in placemats for good causes.
I subscribe via email to your newsletter 🙂
Congrats!!! Love the block 🙂 Spin dance is the perfect name for it 🙂
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You have been very busy. I love the remix quilts. Have fun at market.
I am always glad to see your newsletter and enjoy your work. Kathy in NE Colo
Hi, Colorado Gal, glad to see you’re busy, your new designs looks like fun. And the remix concept is great. Seems like the small projects I have take long enough that I have enough for now. Kathy in NE Colo
I follow you by mail.
Your block design is fantastic. I like it very much.
I would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker’s 100 block magazine! Congratulations on all of your designs!
Keep up the good work. Like the Spin Dance dots.
Your block looks complicated but I can see that it’s made using flying geese. Nice design. Thanks.
Spin Dance looms like a great block to play around with–also love your Flower Basket quilt!!
I love lime and aqua together. Nice block. Will be happy to see new patterns.
I hear from you through your email.
I really like the block you had in the magazine. Also like all the other blocks you showed in this article. The remix quilt is awesome in the turquoise and blue. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I love your block, Kate! Thanks for the giveaway!
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I am definitely going to try making your block. Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the block! And your modern remix quilt
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I’m a subscriber to your newsletter and faithful reader……
The block is adorable! thank you for sharing!
Love your quilts…….and thank you for this great giveaway
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Great designs as always! That is one block that I will have to make!
Great block, Kate! Congratulations to you! Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your magazines.
Congratulations on all the awards … the result of your hard work and creativity! Thank you for offering to share your magazines with us.
A newbie to quilting, I’m truly enjoying following your blog! Would love to check out the 100 Block magazine! Congratulations on your inclusion!
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Yay for the next 100 block edition! I loved it last year and want one!
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Thanks for sharing your busy life with us. Love all of the quilts you shared and the Quiltmaker block is fantastic.
I am a subscriber to your newsletter.
Wow! You’ve been busy! Your block has so much fun motion to it. It would be fun to see what a whole quilt of them would look like.
I signed up for your newsletter.
Great giveaway and beautiful quilts!! Love the color choices!!
I follow on Bloglovin
I have some great scraps for spin dance. Love the block, Thank-you.
I have been subscribed to your newsletter for a long time and enjoy every one!
Spin Dance is a great block! I’d love to make many of them! It is certainly deserving of making it into the magazine!
I get your newsletter as Kathryn dot Laposata at gmail.
What a busy month you’ve had.
I get your newsletter. Thanks!
I always enjoy the Quiltmaker 100 blocks magazine. Your block is so cute, I’ll have to make some of those!
Wow! Both Craftsy and Quiltmaker 100 Blocks. Awesome!