Hi friends!
Many people make New Year’s resolutions. They might be to lose weight, eat healthier, exercise daily… you know. All those things we think we should be doing and don’t do on a regular basis.

Quilters sometimes make a different list- all the UFO quilt projects that they will finish this year. Projects that they were excited about when they started but abandoned when some new pretty fabric caught their eye!

Do you have a list of UFOs that you plan to finish this year? I know that Pat Sloan has been working on her list- check out her blog post about it here. She even has a project tracking sheet that you can download.
I have yet to make my list. I have thought about making a list but I have been busy with a couple of other projects- a few quilting ones and the house reno that I told you about. It is moving along, but my house is still in shambles. Some of the kitchen is back and some is not.
Plus I would have to find all the UFOs! I think some are under the bed in the spare room, some maybe in the sewing area in bins… hmmm… truly I have no idea how many there are or where they all are!
I guess my first resolution would be to FIND all the UFOS!!!
On to the magazine winners!
Verna A and Judy Forkner! Congratulations!
I will be sending you and email to get your mailing address.
Wish me luck with finding my UFOs and I would love to hear if you have a list.
happy quilting,