Have you been making any of the Quiltmaker Bitty Blocks? They are small, but fun!
This month, Quiltmaker is making 3″ Friendship Star blocks. Sooo… cute! I love stars, I love Friendship stars and I love HSTs. (Except when I have to make a gazillion of them.Then, not so much!)
For these, I was just digging thru my scraps to see what I had and I decided to make the HSTs a bit large and cut them down. Plus, my friend Wendy has been telling me how great the Bloc Loc rulers are so I thought it was time to try one. I actually had a chance to stop at the Bloc Loc booth at Quilt Market and got a demo. So I knew what to do.
Sometimes I feel like, really? Another ruler? But, I must admit, my buddy was right- it is a great tool! It was super easy to trim those little HSTs with this. So if you make a lot of HSTs, and you tend to cut them a little large and then trim them down to size, this ruler is very helpful. Just thought you would want to know.
I cut my squares at 2″- not much bigger than required, just a wee bit of wiggle room. Then using the Bloc Loc ruler I trimmed them down. (The HST above is obviously not 2″- this is a bigger one for another project I am working on.)
I was going to try to tape a short video for you, but I was having trouble getting the camera focused on my hands while I was trimming. But Bloc Loc has a video on their site, so you can see how it works.

Here are a few of my Friendship Star blocks- aren’t they cute? And no one says you have to make the points and the center square the same fabric right? I made the background darker on a few and just had fun with my scraps.

Click on the word Quiltmaker or on the picture of my bitty blocks to go to the Quiltmaker page and get the pattern and instructions. Then go have a bunch of bitty fun!

happy quilting,