Hi friends!
I hope you are all taking care of yourselves during this crazy holiday season. I remember many years when I forgot to stop and take a breath! Really what better time to stop, look around, enjoy where you are, who you are with and what you have.
This year, as I think about the year ending, I am inspired by a post to do something new next year. I read a blog post by Sue Bleiweiss, one of the contributors to the book I reviewed the other day, the Quilting Arts Idea Book. Click here to see that post.
I took a class from her a few years ago thru my local quilt guild (and no, I have NOT finished my project!). It was fun to take a class doing a technique I don’t normally do.
She wrote a book a a while back called The Sketchbook Challenge and I really wanted to do that. Challenge myself to draw on a regular basis.
And no, I am NOT a good drawer. Pretty bad actually. But, one can learn to draw better. It just takes practice.
Kind of like rotary cutting with my left hand. Yes, I can use my cutter in both my right and my left hand. Saves me a bunch of time not having to move fabric around. But it took practice and a willingness to not get it perfect the first 100 times!
I figure the same can be said about drawing. I won’t ever be a fine artist but I could learn to draw better. And doing something new is good for our brains.
A little creative self care.
So here is my blank book and some colored pencils I had lying around-but not used! I will get started over the next few days and see if I can build up a habit.

And it will give me the excuse to make myself a new large Pack it Up! bag to hold my notebook, and pencils, and other stuff for this!
If you want to read about Sue’s challenge, click here. She also has a giveaway going on here.
Have a lovely Christmas!