What a week! We had some glorious weather- warm, sunny days. Spring was in the air and I hope it is here to stay, don’t you?
I had a lot of projects on my plate this week that kept me so busy. And to be honest, some weeks I don’t get out much. I don’t allow the time to stop and spend time with friends.
This past week, I was going to try to allow more balance in my life. Tuesday I was going to spend time with my quilty group. I got on the road, did some errands and was on my way to June’s house when, bam!
Flat tire!
So instead of visiting with friends, I spent a bit of time on the side of the road waiting on the roadside serviceman to come and change my tire. And yes, I do know how to change a tire but I find the lug nuts are too hard for me to crank off. The good news on that was, I was in enforced quiet time. So I listened to the radio, daydreamed and came up with a plan for a project that I had been working on. Yes!
Thursday I was able to have dinner with a friend before quilt guild and Friday morning I chatted on the phone with a friend from back east.
Did I have work to do? Yes. But in these busy lives we have, we often forget to make the time for the other things that matter. Family. Friends. Connections. Quiet time to sit and dream.
This week, I received a book in the mail from my friend Kirstyn Cogan. It is her first book with C&T publishing and she is just so creative. I say first book since I am sure it will not be her last!

The book, Urban scandinavian Sewing is wonderful. It is charming and fun with clever projects and great scandinavian recipes.
The book has a fresh feel to it- and the pictures make you want to redecorate your house! Be sure to grab a copy.
Oh- and Kirstyn was on Pat Sloan’s radio show this past Monday. If you missed it, here is a link to the recording.

Stella is ready! Our new pattern, Stella is ready and up on the website. Stella is a really fun pattern- it comes in 2 sizes, 40″ and 20″ square. It will make a great wall hanging, a great baby quilt or table topper.
Isn’t the cover quilt beautiful? The fabrics are from the line Petal and Plume by BariJ from Art Gallery fabrics. They were absolutely wonderful to sew with. I love Art Gallery fabrics.
And here are the new fabrics I am making my next one in: a line called… wait for it…Stella by Lotta Jansdotter for Windham Fabrics! I love the elephants!
happy quilting,
And don’t forget- Crafty’s sale in honor of National Craft Month is going on thru Monday- their Learn It, Make It, Love It sale! So many classes- and now is a great time to sign up for one. Which one will you sign up for? Click here to save up to 50% on all classes.