Last week I mentioned that I was WAY behind on my Splendid Sampler blocks. Over the course of the week I did manage to get 5 more done. Again, not in order!

Happy Happy (block design by Jen Kingwell)

Simple Simon (block design by Celine Perkins)

Focal Point (block design by Natalia Conner)

Friends Around the Square (block design by Julie Karasek)

And Sweet Candy (block design by Kris Thurgood)

I also managed to work on/start a few different projects. I read an article on the blog Tamarinis about what to do BEFORE you start a quilt project. And it was pretty good- click here to read it for yourself.

But here is my question- if you always have 3 or 4 projects (maybe more) in progress at the same time, how do you decide when to do the BEFORE steps? Before which project? Before what? I suppose maybe the answer is to do one project at a time but I doubt that will happen for me. I am too scattered/attracted to the new shiny object for that to be my SOP (standard operating procedure).
But there is some good advice in there. Change your needle. Change your rotary blade. Clean your ironing surface.
This week is Quilt Market in Salt Lake City. I am going to walk the show and get ideas on all sorts of quilty stuff. See the new fabrics! See the new tools! Should be fun and inspirational and I hope to come back renewed with great ideas.

Last thing- I watched a webinar on doing videos on Facebook. So, I thought, hmmm… can I do that? I am going to try. If I build up my courage, I will do a Facebook Live video tomorrow. If not, then maybe next week. We will see what happens!
happy quilting,
All your blocks are so pretty . . . absolutely love your fabric choices!!
Thanks Kathleen!