Hi friends!
Recently on Facebook I have been doing a few FB Live videos. If you have been following along on FB, you may have seen that I recently did a series of FB Lives with my friend, fellow quilt designer and teacher, Jenny Kae Parks.
We had been chatting about doing a project together. So we decided to give each other a quilting color challenge. First, we picked 3 fabrics from my new, soon to be released Signature Batik line called Tiki Punch. Then we picked 2 blocks, we each added 3 more fabrics and we created our version of each of the blocks. And then we each created a quilt using those blocks!
It was so fun to see what we each did with this quilting color challenge, how we used color in the blocks and how different the quilts were!
For those of you NOT on FB, I thought I would show you the blocks I made and the quilt.
Quilting Color Challenge: the Fabrics
The first 3 fabrics we picked were these: the tiki leaf, this wonderful bright green leaf and the bright yellow.
Jenny picked 2 more fabrics from the line- she choose the aqua and this great deep red. (Darn! She picked my favorite aqua!)
Then she went home to chose a background. And she chose an amazing blue!
I had to decide which 2 additional fabrics from the line I would use and after much deliberation I chose this awesome deep green, this wonderful bright purple and this light print for my background.
Now it was onto coloring the blocks!
Quilting Color Challenge: the Goose Crossing Block
We actually started out with a different block that the one we ended up with. Jenny chose her block and then I picked one. Once I started to play with colors and figuring out cutting, I realized our blocks would not work well together. One was build on a 5 grid and one was built on a 6 grid.
So to make both blocks the same size, one block was going to have pieces cut in funky sizes. We didn’t want to think about that. So I redrafted my block into a 5 grid so they would work beautifully together. And they really did!
This is my final coloration for the block.
And here is Jenny’s Goose Crossing block!
Quilting Color Challenge: the Tiki Time Block
Tiki Time is the block Jenny created.
Her coloration is so bright and happy. Don’t you just love that deep blue?.
And here is my coloration! I added more of my light background fabric to mine.
The Quilts
I knew Jenny was creating a quilt with a straight setting with all her blocks in a row. (Like little ducklings…. or goslings!)
Jenny’s Tiki Time quilt:
So for mine, I wanted to put the blocks on point. And once I had the blocks in the quilt setting, it helped to decide the final colorings for each block. Having the blocks set into the quilt allowed me to see what secondary patterns I could create!
I love how there looks like there is a star block set in a straight set block when it is actually a secondary pattern created where the two blocks interact. And the 4 diamond blocks that again, are created from where the blocks come together.
Don’t you love quilts that create a secondary pattern? Jenny’s quilt also created secondary patterns- and her blocks were set in a straight set and her secondary patterns look like blocks set on point!
Using the deep green for the setting triangles really provides a frame to the quilt and allows the blocks to form this unique pattern.
I also played around with using a light background. A light background is my default and again, the blocks seem to create a different unique pattern floating in the background.
Since I always love a light background, are you wondering why I did not go that way? I didn’t have enough fabric! That’s ok! I love my deep green quilt!
Here I used that pretty aqua for the setting triangles.
Color Play
I just love how color changes the look of a quilt. Even with the same pattern, the same blocks, I can change the look of the quilt just by changing the color of the setting triangles.
I also played around with the block using different colorations; just for fun! I went to my stash to se what other color ideas I could come up with! If kind think of my original block as my Fall version, I decided to make a few other seasonal blocks.
This is my Winter block:
And this is my Summer block:
Want to make your own quilt?
If you are interested in trying out the Goose Crossing Block, the quilt, the Tiki Time block and the Tiki Time quilt, here’s how you can get the instructions. Block instructions are only $2 and the setting instructions are only $4.
Goose Crossing block instructions and quilt setting instructions are on my website. Click here.
To make the Goose Crossing quilt, you will need Jenny Kae’s Tiki Time block instructions.
The Tiki Time block and quilt setting instructions are on Jenny Kae’s website. Click here.
If you are on FB, we have a group, Quilter’s Color Play Challenge with Kate and Jenny Kae that you can join and post pictures of your blocks and quilts. We would love to see them!
Next up in the challenge for me- quilting the quilt! I’ll keep you posted on what I end up doing!
happy quilting!