Hi friends!
Recent Quilting Thoughts
How are you? I am busy! Last weekend I went on a quilt retreat. It was at the Liar’s Lodge in Buena Vista CO and the place was lovely. They fed us breakfast and dinner – can’t beat that- the sewing room was great and the views were spectacular.

I brought way more projects that I could possibly get to, but I am really happy with what I got done.

I managed to piece 4 mini quilt tops, finish 2 lap size quilt tops and make enough braid blocks for 6 Table Scraps runners! Woo hoo me!

And I met some really nice quilters. Don’t you love to see what other quilters do?
The quilts are already at the long arm quilter. I plan to quilt the smaller projects myself. When I have a couple done, I will show them off.
In the meantime, I am working on a fun new project using these really great FQs of Aria, a line by Kelly Venture for Windham Fabrics.

I am working on a new pattern (which is a remake of a design I did for a magazine) and I have a question for you all: do you like quilts with borders, without borders or it depends?
Many modern quilts don’t have borders, or the borders match the background which allows the blocks to float. My style is what I like to call Modern Traditional. So, some of my quilts have small borders or no borders. Partly because I like the look and sometimes because I don’t like adding borders. Many people like adding the borders; it tells them they are almost done with the top. I like the challenge of piecing the blocks, so adding borders is just busy work to me.
I would love to know your thoughts on borders. Please let me know in the comments.
Next week I will be guest posting on my friend Tammy Silver’s blog. Tammy is the creative force behind Tamarinis.com. She is a quilt pattern designer, teacher and fabric designer with Island Batik. I will post a link to the blog post here on Wednesday. I am including a free recipe in the post so don’t miss it!
Next Thursday March 16th I will be at the Quaking Aspen Quilt Guild in Boulder Colorado doing a lecture on precuts, my book, Smash Your Precut Stash and just showing off quilts! I always bring lots of quilts! Maybe I will see you there?

What about you? Care to share your recent quilting thoughts in a comment below?
Have a great rest of your week and happy quilting!
p.s. Are you on Instagram? Have you been following the #igquiltfest? If not, check it out! Each day there is a prompt and there are photos of quilts, quilting tools, quilting spaces and just lots of inspiration to be found. If you are on instagram, please follow me at @seamslikeadreamquilts.