Hi friends!
How are you? How was your Thanksgiving? I hope it was wonderful; I had a great week!
Hubby and I went to Florida to spend Thanksgiving with our son, his lovely girlfriend and our daughter. What fun! We had a great Thanksgiving Day- just relaxing, eating and enjoying each other’s company. We even got to chat with our son Sean who lives in Scotland!
We got to spend a little time at Disney World seeing the sights…

meeting characters….

and just enjoying being together.

We did not do Black Friday shopping- though my daughter and I went to Winter Garden on Saturday and did a little small business shopping.
They were having a wonderful Small Business Saturday festival- music, cute shops and white tents with farmer’s market and craft items- fun!

Today, when we went to get our mail, there was a package for me- some of my traveling quilts have turned home. It is like getting presents in the mail!

Have a great week everyone and…
happy quilting!