Hi friends!
Phew! I just got back from a whirlwind of a week and I must admit, I am pretty tired! It was great though.
First I went to Paducah KY for the fall AQS quilt show. I have never been to Paducah before and it was so fun. The fall show is new, this was only year #2, so it was much less crowded than the spring. At least that is what everyone told me! A great way to see the show and the town.
The first night the teachers had an exclusive tour at the National Quilt Museum. So cool. It was really fun to get to go behind the scenes and see where they evaluate quilts, their teaching room and of course, see quilts!
If you have not been there, you should plan to go next time you are down that way. The exhibits are always changing and traveling. So even if you have been before, you will see things you have not seen the last time!
While at the AQS show, I taught 2 classes and did one lecture. Sew much fun! I did not take many (or any!) pictures in class- what a slacker! – but it was a lot of fun to see the Pack It Up! bags come to life.
Then I got up super early Sat morning (2:30am) and drove to Nashville to catch an early flight to Orlando FL. My son and his fiancé picked me up at the airport. Aren’t they adorable?

And then we went to a Bridal Show. So much to do to plan a wedding!
Then back to the airport to catch a late flight to Denver. And then Monday morning up early and off to visit with a guild in Pueblo CO where I did a lecture and a class. Like I said at the beginning, phew!
Here are some images of some of the Table Scraps runners we worked on in class.

I love doing this. Well, not the 2:30am part, but meeting quilters and doing lectures and classes is fun. And of course, I am so happy to help the kids with their wedding plans.
Today is the day for block 75 in the #100days100blocks challenge. For those that don’t know what that is and missed my earlier post about it, on Instagram, gnome angel is hosting a challenge to make a block a day from Tula Pink’s City Sampler 100 Modern Quilt Blocks book.
And I have kept up! I am so impressed with myself. Haha! In my first post about the blocks, I showed blocks 1-10. Today we are posting block 75.
How about I just pick a few of my favorites between 10 and 75 to show you?
This is block 15.
I have done a few black and white blocks (and grey) and I really like them.

Block 20.

Block 28. Love the striped fabric!

Block 32. More striped fabric.

Block 49.

Block 50.

Block 63.

Block 74.

Which one was your favorite?
Have a great rest of your week and ….
happy quilting!
p.s. Next week will be post #2 in the Border Quilt Quilt Along so be sure to pop back next Wednesday!