Hi friends!
Today is the day for Block 5 of the The Adventure Quilt … a Road Trip Quilt. Are you ready?
Link for this Quilt Along PDF is at the end of the post.
Block 5 is sometimes called the Mississippi Star block. We tweaked the block a little and called it the Traveler block.
People have always been travelers. We travel to explore, for fun and adventure, for discovery and excitement, to search for new and different experiences. It’s a way to change our perspective, learn new things, find new places and make new friends.
Our Traveler block this week is a pretty easy one- just some stitch and flip sections that are sewn together with some squares into a nine patch. There are 2 sizes of blocks using 2 different blue fabrics.

Still, I have a few tips for you in making this block.
Tip One:
Remember last week Tammy talked about bonus HSTs? You can do that again this week. The only difference these will be a lot smaller!
Draw 2 lines on your squares- one on the diagonal and one ½” away. Sew on both and cut between the lines.

You will have a triangle to flip up and a bonus HST.

From the large star blocks, you can trim that bonus HST to either 1 ¾” or 1 ½”. From the small stars, you can trim the bonus HST to 1 ¼” or 1″.
Now for some of you, you may decide those HSTs are just too small to be worth the extra sewing. I think I might make some blocks with these- maybe they could be a pillow to go with my quilt? I will have to play around with them and see what I can come up with.
Tip Two:
Be very careful when you start sewing your squares together. Watch the rotation of the pieced units. You don’t want a star with wonky points!

I hope you have fun with our Traveler blocks this week. Click here or on the image below to go to the shop to download the block.
You can click here to go to Tammy’s post to see her Adventure Quilt Along blocks.
I will be doing a Facebook Live again this coming Saturday. It will have to be early this weekend- 9am MT- as I am teaching a class in the afternoon. See you there!
happy quilting,
Next week- Block 6 will be here on my blog again as Tammy is on vacation- lucky girl!

You will need your Medium and Light Purple and Blue and Light Blue along with your background.
What a great star for American Hero Quilts, too! Thank you.
PLEASE DISregard last email!!
Got it after!!
Thank you
This is a beautiful block!!!
In trying to download , Which was slow, I apparently clicked 3 times and now I can’t!
Any help??
Thank you