Hi friends!
We are really moving along on our quilt adventure. I can’t believe we are up to Block 6!
Link for this Quilt Along Block 6 PDF is at the end of the post.
(If you are looking for the Text It Blog Hop post- click here!)
How are you doing with your Adventure Quilt Along blocks? If you have fallen behind, don’t worry. Sometimes when we get behind, we get discouraged. But, don’t give up! Just keep moving on, make one here, one there… download the blocks as they become available and before you know it, you will have them all done! I believe in you.
This week’s block is sometimes called Crossroads. We called it Roundabout in honor of the roundabouts you sometimes see as you travel. We thought of roundabouts as a physical thing along the road but also as a crossroad in your journey- a place to make a choice. Do you go the way you planned? Do you take a detour?

Sometimes in an adventure, you need to be open and take a direction you hadn’t planned on! Roundabouts make changing direction fairly easy- you just keep going until you get to the road in the direction you want to go.

Block 6
In Block 6 we are using a technique we have not tired yet- one that sometimes evokes a big fat NO WAY response!
We are going to paper piece. Yes, we are using the “P” word.
If you have never paper pieced before, truly it is not hard. Confusing maybe at first, but let’s see if we can help with that.
Why are we paper piecing most of this block? Because the size of the units are not standard and with the angles, the paper piecing technique just makes it easier. Some people LOVE paper piecing; some people hate it. Some people hate it but have never tried it!
There are many different ways to paper piece and if you have your favorite way, then great. If not, I have a handout that you can get – CLICK HERE- that should help you paper piece.
It lists some of my favorite tools, but truly, you don’t need them. They just make it easier. If you decide you like paper piecing, you may want to invest in some of them.
One of my two favorite paper piecing tools is this light box by CutterPillar. Not only is it flat and bright, it has a clear cutting mat you can lay on top so you can line up your pieces and cut without moving them around!
My second favorite paper piecing tool is the Add-A-Quarter Plus ruler by Carolyn McCormick of CM Designs. She has 2 sizes- 12″ and 6″.
Again, you can use any ruler with a ¼” seam mark, but this one just makes it easier.
Two things to remember when paper piecing:
- The fabric goes on the wrong side of the paper- the side WITHOUT the lines.
- You sew on the right side of the paper- the side with the lines.
So, have fun with the block, give paper piecing a try and if you don’t like it, then you don’t have to do it again. But at least you will have tried it!
Sewing the Sections together
Once you have your sections ready to go for your block, you have 2 options on how to arrange them.
You can arrange them so the larger rectangles form a circle and the inner light purple sections form the roundabout with the roads out.

Or you can piece them so the larger rectangles point out in new directions- kind of like showing options on which way to go on your adventure.

Of course, you can also piece one of the Roundabout blocks going one way and one going the other way. Your choice! Tammy’s quilt has them both going out and my quilt has them both going in a circle. Click here to see Tammy’s blocks.
Which way do you like- setting 1 or setting 2? Please post in the comments!
OK- ready? Set? Get your block and get paper piecing!
Facebook Live
On Saturday March 9th, I will be doing a Facebook live event and I will go over paper piecing. So if you need a little help, be sure to tune in at 10 am MT or watch it later on FB. I will also try to get it uploaded onto my You Tube channel for those of you who don’t use Facebook. Try being the operative word.
Adventure Quilt Along Block 7
Next week, Tammy will be hosting the post for Block 7. And we get to use 2 new fabrics for this block- our Aqua and Teal!
And don’t worry, if you come here next week by accident, I will have a link to Tammy’s post!
happy quilting,
Hi Kate,
I’m answering your question asking which setting I like. And I guess I’m not really answering because I like them both! I’m contemplating making one block like Setting 1 and the other block like Setting 2. Thoughts?
I think it would be fun to make one of each. But my suggestion is to look at both my and Tammy’s quilt again and imagine how it might look with 2 different ones. See if the symmetry of having 2 the same appeals to you or if you prefer to mix it up!