Quilt Market is over. Sigh.
When we are standing in our booth, on the last day, our feet are tired, most of the customers have left and we are just waiting for 4pm, we can’t wait for it to be over. Done. Finished. Time to pack up the booth and get home!
Now, with a few days of rest behind me, unpacking of the boxes done and orders shipped… I miss it. I miss the fun I had with my friends that I only get to see at market. I miss my uber wonderful daughter Alyssa who comes to market to help me out. I miss seeing all the quilts, bags and other goodies. I miss the sense of excitement and inspiration that fills the big convention hall.
I tried to take a few pictures but I am bad at that. Some of my friends take pics of everything- quilts, booths, friends, shoes (yes, even shoes!). Me, I am so busy absorbing I forget to take the picture.
But here are a few pictures of my booth and my friends from market. Most of the pictures of me and my friends were taken with their cameras, not mine. Drat.
And what was my most popular pattern at market- (not counting the Braid Template)?
This is the lap quilt in Aria by Kelly Ventura for Windham Fabrics.

Savannah Squares is a fat quarter friendly pattern in 3 sizes. Here is the version I made for Sandra Clemon’s booth in her new line In Bloom for Michael Miller fabrics. I love how that one came out too!

And for fun, this time I made some of the quilts into mini patterns- for those who don’t have time for a big quilt. Here is my Savannah Squares Mini in Susan Emory’s booth using her new fabric line Hello for Michael Miller fabrics.

My phone seems to be taking very fuzzy pictures all of a sudden- operator error or the phone? Hmm….
Have a great long weekend and I hope the weather is good where you are!
More new patterns pictures next week!
happy quilting,