Hi friends!
How has your week been? Mine has been busy. I have actually been out of the house this week!
Back in March, I had a flare up of my asthma. Eight weeks, multiple inhalers and 3 rounds of prednisone later, I am finally doing better. So, as you can imagine, I have not really left the house for weeks. Not even to grocery shop. So the stay at home order came as I was staying home anyway. And I am so lucky that hubby is used to doing the grocery shopping.

So in some ways, the stay at home order was not a big change for me, as I work from home anyway. Though haven’t been able to travel, or go teach, or lecture at guilds… but then again, I wasn’t going out due to being sick.
This week, I had the chance to get out and get my hair trimmed (not colored, I am still going to let the grey grow out!) and I had my nails done- which I only do for special occasions.
What was the occasion, you ask?
Quilting Daily Filming
This week I filmed 3 classes for Quilting Daily! I haven’t had the chance to film a class in a long time so it was fun to get back on a set. The first day I was so nervous but by day 2, I felt I was in the swing of it again!
Everyone wore masks; of course I took mine off to film. I will keep you posted when these classes will be able to be seen!
You may remember back in April I was part of the Spring Clean Your Studio blog hop? Since then, I have really had been cleaning up my studio; I donated fabric and tools, organized things and found places for all of my ongoing projects.
And then….. 3 new projects came into my quilting studio, for the classes I just filmed.
And fabric for a quilt for a magazine. And the fabric for another quilt that I will be doing as as online class…
Today I will be trying to catch up on emails, unpack from my 2 days of filming, organize all the new fabric, the step outs and new projects. I figure, if I clean up and organize, it will be easier to work on my projects!
Yikes! Wish me luck!
Have a great weekend and …
happy quilting!