Happy Monday!
After 3 days of cold, snow, rain and gray skies, it is sunny! Woo hoo!
What a great day to start a blog hop and announce some winners. The Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks vol 13 blog tour has begun- click here or on the image below to go to their site, comment on the giveaway and see the blogs to visit today. I am sure we will all get some great ideas.

And the winners from my magazine giveaway?

Sam Morris, Kathie L and Connie German! Congratulations!
I will be emailing you all to get your mailing address. If you don’t get my email- check your SPAM folder. Sometimes, my business emails gets put in SPAM. So sad. I am not SPAM, I am good news! If I don’t hear back from the winners in a week, I will draw a new name and try again.
Have a great week everyone- don’t forget to come back here on Wednesday (my day on the 100 blocks tour) to see my block and see what you can do with it!
happy quilting,