How is the weather where you are? We have had a pretty nice week here in CO- warm temps for this time of year. So on Thursday, I sat outside and had a glass of iced tea at a local joint and yesterday I went for a walk. An almost 7 mile walk. But it was so much fun!

I walked with another Denver area quilter, Sandra Clemons. It was so much fun to chat about quilting and what we are working on. If you don’t know Sandra, you should. She is a sweetie! She is very talented, she has a book coming out soon with C&T and she has a free Block of the Week going on over at her website. Click here to check it out.
Earlier in the week, I had a chance to hang out with another sewing enthusiast, Lorraine Glach. I think it is so great to be able to connect with other quilters. You can be supportive of each other and they get the inside jokes! This past weekend I went to a 3 day seminar put on by Craftsy called the Craftsy Instructor Summit. It was so great to see other instructors in not only quilting, but in cooking, knitting, painting and drawing…. so much talent in that room.
Here is a group shot. You can’t see me but you can see it was quite the crowd.

What a great weekend. (We were in the same hotel as the Denver Broncos. And I just want to mention, those football players drive MUCH better cars than most of the artists/crafters!) I just can’t say enough about how much fun the summit was and how much I learned.
In the meantime, I finished up a quilt this week. I LOVE this quilt. And I can’t show you yet, but here is just a snippet.

The fabrics are just lovely; a line called Lily by Timeless Treasures. Wonderful quilting done by Crystal Zagnoli of The Quilted Cricket.
Do you have plans for the weekend? I am hoping for more nice weather so I can get outside again as I hear we have a winter storm coming next week. What’s up with that? Winter? Isn’t it over yet?
Whatever your plans,
happy quilting!

p.s. Remember the Pop Up Blog Hop starts Feb 8th!
Can’t wait to see your version of the pop up!