Hi friends!
How is your week going? Have I told you about my home renovation project?
Back in the spring, hubby and I realized we could no longer put off the renovation of our deck. We live in a townhouse and our backyard is basically a deck. With stairs to the back fence that leads to the cemetery where I walk the dog.
The deck was old and the previous owner tried to shore it up and keep it alive. Jim did the same the first few years we were here- replacing a board or 2 here and there and basically just trying to patch it up. But the boards underneath were rotting and sinking and it was time.

We got a bunch of quotes and after we fainted from sticker shock, we signed on the dotted line and were told it would be about 6 weeks until they could start. That was early June. They called in late July but we were away seeing family on the east coast and we set a date for early August.
They postponed.
Then they postponed again.

Finally in late August they were coming! Yea! They ripped off my old deck but there was a problem getting their permit from the town (yes, they ripped off the deck before getting their permit to rebuild) and it took many weeks to get a permit.
Kira would stare longingly out the back door at the muddy backyard.

Finally the permit was in hand and they started back on the deck!
It has not been a smooth process. They cut our neighbor’s tv cable right- and of course it was before the weekend when the neighbor usually watches lots of sports; they broke another neighbor’s downspout while putting up the new fence between the decks; it took 3 tries for the inspector to pass the holes for the concrete footings and then it snowed.
They got started – happy dance- and then it snowed again.

But the good news is there is progress and we will have a deck soon and be able to enjoy it all next spring and summer. And maybe on a nice day here and there the rest of this fall.
While all that has been going on, I have been sewing.

And sewing!

And… oh wait!…. sewing!
100 Blocks Progress
In addition to working on all my new projects, I was able to finish all 100 blocks from the Tula Pink 100 Modern Blocks book! One a day for 100 days. Well, some days I made more than one so I could post images on the days I was traveling. But I did it!
Here are my last 4 blocks:
Block 97

Block 98

Block 99

And Block 100!

Love them. It really was a fun challenge. The blocks were for the most part pretty simple- striking but easy to piece. The hardest part was picking fabric. At first, I kept wanting to add to my preplanned group. But except for a couple of blocks early on when I added a fussy cut of fabric with a totally different look, I kept to my palette. Actually made it easier! And the blocks go together well.
Now I need to decide on a setting and be make them into a quilt. I have a setting in mind but… it will be a big quilt! We’ll see what happens. Maybe I can make 2 smaller quilts?
Next week on the blog will be the next installment of the Border Quilt Quilt Along and maybe I will get that book review done!
happy quilting!