Hi friends!
Adventure in Color Block 1 for this year’s Quilt Along project is here!
Today Aurōra – Block 1 of Luminous is available!
Why did we call our block Aurōra?
Aurōra is the Roman goddess of dawn. She represents the first light of day, renewal and hope.
Aurōra renews herself every morning and flies across the sky, announcing the arrival of the Sun.

Our Aurōra blocks are scattered across the quilt as if they are flying!
Luminous Quilt Along Project: Block 1 Tips
The Aurora block has half square triangle (HST) units in it. If you need any tips on making HST units, refer to my blog post (or Tammy’s) from last week.
Both Tammy and I prefer to cut our pieces a little oversized and trim down and in the pattern we do tell you the sizes to cut if you want to cut a little oversize AND we have an awesome handout included with Block 1 called Tucker Instructions that show you how to use the Tucker Trimmer to trim down your block.

I suggest marking all your blocks and then chain sewing the HST units for all the blocks at once.
Another tip I have is to rotate press the intersections of your block. In this blog post from last week, I showed you how to rotate press and it really helps the block to lay flat.
So try it!
Today we have a great giveaway for you from SCHMETZ needles: they have given us a collection of needles and a copy of their booklet on their needles!
How nice is that? Thank you SCHMETZ!!!
I recently did a blog post on needles and SCHMETZ needles are my go to needles. They have a lot of great information on their website on sizes and uses for their needles. And they have an app you can pull up on your phone. So many ways to make sure you are using the right needle for the job!
To enter, use the Rafflecopter widget below.
Giveaways open to those in the US only; sorry! Shipping costs are just so prohibitive. No purchase necessary to enter giveaways.
How to get Block 1?
Click here to purchase your copy of Block 1. Remember, if you are an international customer, click here to go to my ETSY shop to purchase the block.
You will be making more than one of Block 1 but you have 3 weeks until the next post for Block 2!
The Block 2 post will be on February 19th and Tammy will have some tips for that block over on her blog. But don’t worry, I will be showing you my block right here and will have a link to Tammy’s post as well.
Want to get an up close look at Tammy’s Block 1? Click here to go to her post!
happy quilting,
I will watch the Super Bowl with my husband but I will probably have some quilting videos going on my headphones ?
I’ll be watching and getting in some sewing– love the commercials ??
I’ll be sewing rather than watching the Superbowl. But for all you watchers out there, I hope your favorite team wins! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I’d rather be sewing. But other people in the house will be watching for sure.
Nope I quilt or sleeping I am a 3rd shifter…
I don’t usually watch the Super Bowl but I do enjoy the commercials. I do have a sewing project picked out to work on tomorrow while I watch.
We have watched the game with friends the past several years. I typically am knitting during the game.
Plan on sewing with the game on for the commercials.
Really depends upon who is playing in the Super Bowl. I will watch some & then continue to do whatever I may be working on at the time. This year, no SB for me. Rather be in Sewing Studio creating
Absolutely Quilting on super bowl Sunday!
Are your kitties always getting into trouble as mine are?
I DVR the game for the commercials.
I go to my LQS for their Super Bowl sale!
I will not be watching, more like talking or quilting!
I pretend to watch with my DH, but I’m really hand sewing or crocheting, mostly. Love the commercials, and root for his pick or mine, if I have one. LOL
I do not watch the Super Bowl. I have never had the interest. Fortunately no one in my house watches it either. I likely will be sewing during it.
I ALWAYS go to my LQS and NEVER watch the game.
I plan to do some hand quilting and watch the game!!
I watch the Super Bowl because I enjoy football. After that game it’s a long wait until football season resumes. This year I am not particularly interested in either team, but it will still be entertaining in some way. I will quilt this weekend when the game is not on.
Usually, I don’t even know when the super bowl is, or who is playing. =) I quilt a lot, though, and I use Schmetz needles! Thank you for the chance to win my almost-year’s-supply of them.
I’m not a football fan (I know, how UnAmerican of me!!!) so no Super Bowl here. But I will still be sewing!!
I usually quilt or shop during the super bowl!
I hand stitch and watch the game! Best of both!! Thank you! Love the Aurora block!
I usually watch it, just for the commercials, while I quilt. This year I will probably do some hand applique while I “watch” with hubby.
Go chiefs. Fan for years. Wish my dad was alive to see the game
Super Bowl? No way, I quilt!
I plan on doing a combination of them both. I will sew during the game and take a break to watch the commercials! It’s really about the commercials, anyway, right?
duchick at gmail dot com
I plan on taking a nap during the super bowl.
My DH will be watching the game. My sewing space is 2 feet from the tv so I will be listening and move my chair to watch when anything sounds exciting!
I will definitely NOT watch this year. I am cleaning/reorganizing my sewing room, so don’t know if I will be able to sew; if not, I have a lot of crochet projects to work on!
I like to watch the commercials. I don’t usually quilt.
If my husband is watching, I sit with him and hand sew on one of my EPP projects to watch the commercials and the half time show.
I don’t watch the Super Bowl or any football games; I worry too much about head injuries or spinal damage.
I usually do a little of both – Love the commercials.
I will be sewing during the Super Bowl. It has been quite a while since I’ve watched a pro football game on TV. I’m with Joy, the commercials are the best part of the game!!!
I don’t watch…although I might flip over to see if there are any interesting commercials.
I’ll probably be in the room for the Super Bowl, but not actually watching.
The link from your blog to block 1 is not working… or I’m doing something wrong (which is entirely possible)
Thanks for letting me know the link was not working! All fixed!
I run and hide during the Super Bowl….quilting is more fun!!!
I sometimes like to try to do both- a little quilting while I watch!
I watch the Super Bowl mostly for the commercials! Good excuse to snack, too!
I usually record the super bowl and to watch the commercials later. I usually quilt on Sundays
The commercials are usually pretty great!
I sometimes watch the Super bowl but don’t get to quilt.
Whatever you do this Sunday, have fun!
I don’t watch the Super Bowl. My spouse sometimes does. If I am sitting there with him, I am usually either doing some hand sewing/cross-stitch, or reading or more likely, sleeping.
I will absolutely watch the Super Bowl this year!! GO CHIEFS!!
Uh oh!
I am all about go 49ers!