Hi friends!
Today I wanted to share links to a couple of quilt alongs.
2 Fun Quilt Alongs to Take Part In:
Stitch Pink
The first is called Stitch Pink and it is sponsored by Moda. Every day this month, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness, they are sharing a block that they have made in shades of pink.

I have always wanted to make a pink and white quilt.

I tried to talk myself out of it as I have a bunch of quilts to make already with an upcoming fabric line from Island Batik so, really, I have no business starting another new project.

Clearly, I was not convincing!

If you want to check this quilt along out and maybe start making blocks, click here for their sew along page.
FYI: you will also see links to their Blockheads 3 bocks. More temptations! I am not responsible for anything you talk yourself into doing once you are on their site!
Around the Block – US Tour
Have you heard about the Around the Block- US Tour quilt along?
This block of the week started back in August. Every week, a different designer is sharing a quilt block representing a specific state. You will be able to zip around the country and grab the complimentary blocks!
Each block is 6.5″ unfinished. Kind of a fun way to explore the US!
I will be designing the blocks for Connecticut and Vermont. CT because it is my home state and VT because that is where I went to college. But you won’t see them for a while. Next March and April.
But you can check out the blocks that designers have already shared. Go on an adventure: head off to Massachusetts, Alaska, California and more!
There are always fun quilt alongs going on! Feel free to share links in the comments to any quilt alongs you are participating in so everyone can get tempted!
happy quilting!