Hi friends!
Yesterday morning I got up early and cleaned my house for 3 hours. Nothing so remarkable in that; it is just that I have not cleaned like that in a while. Lately it has been just a little swipe here, a quick dust there… but hubby and I were leaving to go to Florida to see our son and his girlfriend. And I did not want to come home to a dirty house.
It felt so good! Not that I really enjoy cleaning, though I know some people do, but I enjoy making the house look nice. And over the last few months the house has been a mess. Chalk it up to a new puppy on top of a lot of work and before you realize it, the mess gets to the point where it is overwhelming.
Now, there are still piles of paperwork and fabric everywhere, but at least the surfaces under the all piles are clean!
Soon I will address the piles. And sort, toss, file and get organized. But for now, I am on vacation!
But while I am away, I wanted to show off a new pattern using my Mini Braid Template called Wrap It!– a braided headband.

It previewed at Quilt Market last month where I had fun wearing it in the booth.

This headband is quick and so much fun to make! You can even use up some of your scraps. It uses my Mini Braid Template but you can also use template plastic to cut your braid shapes.
For you all, I am going to offer my new pattern, this week only, for a special introductory price of only $4. Next week it will go to it’s regular price of $6. If you have ever wanted to make a small project and try out the Mini Braid Template, this one is perfect.
Back to my vacation!
happy quilting,
p.s. Orders will ship next Monday once I am back.
p.s.s. Registration is open for AQS Fall Quilt Week in Paducah and I am teaching 2 classes and doing 1 lecture there in September.
Click here to view the classes and sign up!
One of my classes is my Pack it Up! bag. This class sold out quickly last time so grab a seat soon.
I am also teaching this cute little bag- make it fancy or make it in fun, bright fabric. A great little night out on the town bag!
Sign up soon! We will have sew much fun.