Quilt Along 2021: Lighthouse Steps Post #5
Hi friends! This is our last post in the Lighthouse Steps Quilt Along! And if you make it all the way to the end, I have a super giveaway for you! Note: If you missed...
Read MoreHi friends! This is our last post in the Lighthouse Steps Quilt Along! And if you make it all the way to the end, I have a super giveaway for you! Note: If you missed...
Read MoreHi friends! Welcome back for Week 4 of the Lighthouse Steps Quilt Along! How did you do sewing your rows? Are you ready to sew them together?? I have just a few tips for you....
Read MoreHi friends! Welcome back to the Lighthouse Steps Quilt Along! Quilt Along! In today’s post, I will be sharing some tips for sewing those rows together. First, how did your cutting go? Are you all...
Read MoreHi friends! Welcome to my day on the Around the Block US Tour where I share my Connecticut state quilt block! I already shared a block for Vermont, the state where I went to college,...
Read MoreHi friends! Welcome to post #2 in the Lighthouse Steps Quilt Along! Today I have some cutting tips for you. If you missed the earlier posts, click here for the Introductory post on fabric and here...
Read MoreHi friends! Welcome to the first post in the Lighthouse Steps Quilt Along! I am so happy you are here with me. Quilt Along Plan Just to recap the plan for this quilt along: I...
Read MoreHi friends! Welcome to Vermont! Well…. welcome to my day on the Around the Block US Tour where I share my Vermont state quilt block! Vermont For those that know me, you may be wondering...
Read MoreHi Friends! Welcome to the Introduction to my next Quilt Along using Lighthouse Steps! Quilt Along Quilt Lighthouse Steps is a fun strip pack friendly modern quilt design. The quilt was originally made for Paintbrush...
Read MoreHi friends! Welcome to the Tiki Punch Project and Blog Hop! I am so excited to share more with you about the Tiki Punch fabric line and my projects! And to share a super giveaway...
Read MoreHi friends! Sarah Marcina is hosting a blog hop called Hope Quilts. She designed a quilt called Hope for Tomorrow and then asked other designers to join her and share a quilt that has meaning...
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